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Osteoporosis: Love Your Bones!

What Osteoporosis is & How to Keep Your Bones Strong

We all were told as young children that milk makes our bones stronger! Well, whoever told you that is right! In this blog, we’ll discuss Osteoporosis and how to keep your bones healthy!

Let’s Define Osteoporosis

The Silent Disease

Osteoporosis is known as a “silent disease” because some people who develop Osteoporosis don’t even know it until a bone breaks! Another reason it’s known as a “silent disease” is because we can’t exactly feel it! Osteoporosis occurs when the body is breaking down bone at a faster rate than being replaced by new bone (National Institute on Aging). A healthy body should be doing this at an equal rate.

Osteoporosis rarely has any symptoms, so it is hard to diagnose. But just remember, your risk grows as you get older. 1 in 5 women and 1 in 20 men over the age of 50 years old will develop Osteoporosis (Medicare). This is why it is extremely important to take care of and protect your bones!

What Does Osteoporosis Look Like?

Bones can be compared to honeycombs. When someone has Osteoporosis, the bone (which would be the walls of a honeycomb) gets smaller, and the spaces between the bone grow larger. The outer shell of the bone also gets thinner. All of these factors make a bone weaker.

Since the bones are weaker, they can break easily and have a harder time healing once broken. In serious cases, this could even result in loss of mobility if a hip or spine bone is broken.

A photo of what bones look line without osteoporosis and with. The bone with osteoporosis has bigger honey comb like sections.

How to Keep Bones Strong While Aging

Since Osteoporosis is something everyone definitely wants to avoid, there are luckily easy ways to protect and care for your bones!

  1. Eat & Drink Foods That Support Bone Health (like milk!). Calcium, Vitamin D, and protein are great for bone health. Try incorporating green veggies, fish, meats, milk, and grains into your diet for good sources of calcium and protein. If your Vitamin D level is low, you can talk with your doctor to see if a supplement is right for you.

  2. Don’t Smoke and Limit Alcohol Consumption. While this advice will help your overall health in general, it even helps your bone health! Smoking increases your risk of weakened bones and excessive drinking can harm your bones.

  3. Include Exercise in Your Daily Routine. Weight-bearing exercises like walking, climbing stairs, and yoga can all help strengthen your bones (Mayo Clinic).

Love Your Bones!

This “silent disease” sounds scary, but keep in mind that there are treatments and great doctors out there to help folks who encounter Osteoporosis. If you feel like you may be at risk for Osteoporosis because of family history or other factors, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to test for it. It is better to know now so you can protect your bones before something happens!

Remember to thank those who told you to drink a glass of milk for strong bones–they were looking out for you!

Disclaimer: This was not written by a medical professional. If you need serious nutritional help, please contact your medical provider. All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Although we are striving to provide great, accurate information, the information presented is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice.


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